Why Didn’t Manifestation Work for Me?

Because manifestation can be exhausting. 

It’s time to shift your focus to magnetization.

Whiskers the Cat: A Tale of Magnetization

A cat named Whiskers who dreams of having a mountain of cat treats. Whiskers decides to manifest this goal. Every day, Whiskers follows a strict routine:

1. Goal Setting: Whiskers writes down the goal of having a mountain of cat treats.

2. Visualization: Every morning, Whiskers sits in a sunny spot and visualizes the treats piling up in the living room.

3. Specific Actions: Whiskers starts performing tricks, hoping the humans will reward him with extra treats. Whiskers even goes so far as to meow loudly whenever the humans are near the treat cupboard.

While Whiskers does get some extra treats, it’s exhausting. The constant effort and focus on what’s lacking (the mountain of treats) makes Whiskers feel perpetually unsatisfied and tired.

One Day, Whiskers decides to try a different approach: magnetization. 

Instead of focusing on the treats themselves, Whiskers focuses on being the happiest, most content cat around:

1. Intrinsic State of Abundance: Whiskers spends time basking in the sun, purring contentedly, and playing with the other cats. Whiskers feels genuinely happy and fulfilled, appreciating the treats he already has.

2. Fulfillment and Purpose: Whiskers shares his joy with everyone around him. The humans notice how happy and playful Whiskers is, which naturally makes them want to reward him with more treats.

3. Natural Attraction: Because Whiskers is content and joyful, the humans start giving him more treats without him even having to ask. Other cats also start following Whiskers around, hoping to share in the good vibes.

Whiskers ends up with plenty of treats, but more importantly, he feels happy and fulfilled because his focus was on being a joyful and content cat, not just on the treats.

Manifestation involves Whiskers actively trying to get more treats, which can be exhausting and stem from a place of lack. Magnetization, on the other hand, is about Whiskers being happy and content, naturally attracting treats as a result of his positive energy and state of being. 

Practical Steps to Magnetization

1. Identify Your 5 Whys To Activate Your State of Abundance: Begin by repeatedly asking yourself why five times. For example:

1. Why do you want a mountain of cat treats?

Whiskers: Because I love eating treats and they make me happy.

2. Why do treats make you happy?

Whiskers: Because they taste delicious and I feel good when I eat them.

3. Why do you want to feel good when you eat treats?

Whiskers: Because when I feel good, I’m more playful and energetic.

4. Why is being playful and energetic important to you?

Whiskers: Because when I’m playful and energetic, I enjoy my time more and make my humans happy too.

5. Why do you want to make your humans happy?

Whiskers: Because I love my humans, and their happiness makes our home a joyful place for everyone.

By asking these 5 Whys, Whiskers uncovers that the true desire isn’t just the treats themselves, but the joy, energy, and harmonious environment they create. The mountain of treats is just a means to an end.

2. Embody the State: Once you understand your why, focus on embodying the state that reflects those underlying reasons. Whiskers can focus on being playful and affectionate, which naturally brings joy to the household and makes the humans happy. Whiskers embody a state of abundance, where happiness and joy are already present, and treats become a natural byproduct of this state.

Happy Magnetizing! 

Omsira Barry and Ryion Pun

Ignite Your Brilliance

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