Embracing Self-Directedness

Self-directedness emphasizes the importance of leading oneself before leading others.  It involves cultivating self-knowledge to set values-aligned goals. Critical to this process are resilience and adaptability, which allow individuals to recover from setbacks, view challenges as growth opportunities, and adjust to changes. Self-motivation is another vital component, driving individuals towards their goals through internal motivation rather than external rewards. 

Continuous self-improvement through lifelong learning, feedback, and new experiences also plays a significant role. Ultimately, mastering self-directedness prepares us for leading others, showcasing that true leadership starts from within.

Building Self-Directedness Into Your Daily Life


Morning Routine: Starting the Day with Purpose

15-minute meditation focused on gratitude and goal visualization.

Review and prioritize tasks that align with today’s purpose.

Mid-Morning: Focused Work Time

Silence all notifications and block “Do Not Disturb” time on your calendar.

Afternoon: Learning and Collaboration

Attend a webinar on AI.

Brainstorm with colleagues on social impacts.

Late Afternoon: Reflection and Adaptation

Reflect on the day’s achievements and setbacks.

Evening: Personal Time and Preparation for Tomorrow

Spend time with family, reinforcing values and maintaining work-life balance.

Read a book aligned with passion and purpose.

When you build self-directed habits into your everyday life, what signs (and synchronicities) can you look forward to and start to see, creating flow and ease in your being?

Note: Synchronicity is a concept introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, referring to the occurrence of meaningful coincidences that seem to have no causal relationship yet appear significantly related. These events are often perceived as a sign or a message, aligning in ways that feel too meaningful to be mere chance.

Experiencing synchronicity can evoke a range of feelings, such as:

1. Awe and Wonder: Feeling amazed by the unexpected and seemingly meaningful connections between events.

2. Connectedness: A sense of being linked to a larger, perhaps mystical, pattern or flow in life.

3. Validation: A feeling that you are on the right path or that a higher force is guiding you.

4. Curiosity: A strong desire to understand the deeper significance or message behind the coincidental events.

5. Comfort and Reassurance: Finding comfort in the idea that events are not random and that there might be a purpose or reason behind occurrences.

Synchronicity often leaves individuals with a sense of mystery and intrigue, prompting reflection on the interconnectedness of life and the nature of reality.

As you move through your daily life, take note of these signs. When you experience them, expand your awareness in that present moment and connect these sensations and experiences to what you are doing, thinking, or feeling. This will help you bridge the key experiences that expand your “WHY,” making it more visible, felt, and sensed. This creates a ripple momentum that generates flow throughout your day, asserting the cohesiveness of directing and leading the self into more passion and giving energy to your purpose and direction.

Embrace self-directedness and let the meaningful coincidences guide you towards a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

Omsira Barry and Ryion Pun

Ignite Your Brilliance


Guishi [/ˈɡwiːʃiː/], verb, directly translates to “return to teacher.” We enable people to deepen soul awareness, expand consciousness, and integrate their inner spiritual development into their personal and professional lives.

Each week, we share our personal life hacks and leadership tips to bring a touch of magic to your daily life.

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