Activate Your Higher Mind For Success

In the realm of human potential, there lies an extraordinary capability within each of us: the higher mind.

How Can We Activate Our Higher Mind?

In the realm of human potential, there lies an extraordinary capability within each of us: the higher mind. This state of consciousness transcends the everyday functionality of our physical brain, showcasing our capacity for abstract thinking, intuition, and a profound connection to universal truths. But how do we access this higher state? Let me tell you a story about Steve Jobs to illustrate this concept.

The Visionary Mind of Steve Jobs

When Steve Jobs envisioned the iPhone, he wasn’t merely thinking about a phone; he was imagining a device that would revolutionize the way we interact with the world. This vision required looking beyond the immediate challenges and focusing on the broader impact of his ideas—something far beyond the physical mind’s capabilities. Jobs’ ability to see beyond the obvious, to imagine a new reality, and to bring that vision to life exemplifies the power of accessing the higher mind.

Steve Jobs’ journey towards the iPhone began with a series of insights and inspirations that combined his technical knowledge with his intuitive understanding of what people would want even before they realized it themselves. In the early 2000s, mobile phones were primarily used for making calls and sending text messages. Jobs saw an opportunity to create a device that was not just a phone, but a handheld computer, media player, and internet communicator all in one.

This vision did not come from market research or customer feedback. Instead, it was born from Jobs’ ability to tap into his state of consciousness that transcends everyday functionality, showcasing our capacity for abstract thinking, intuition, and a profound connection to universal truths. He believed in creating products that people didn’t know they needed until they had them.

One pivotal moment was Jobs’ decision to abandon the physical keyboard that dominated mobile phones of the time. Most experts in the industry could not fathom a phone without buttons. However, Job envisioned a sleek, minimalist device dominated by a touch-sensitive screen. He saw beyond the technical limitations and imagined the seamless interaction users could have with a purely touch-based interface.

In development meetings, Jobs would often dismiss data-driven arguments that contradicted his vision, not out of arrogance, but because he trusted his intuitive understanding of what the future could be. He believed that true innovation required seeing beyond current trends and imagining what could be possible. This kind of visionary thinking is crucial for innovation and leadership, demonstrating how the higher mind can guide us to achieve remarkable feats.

The result was the first iPhone, introduced in 2007. It was a revolutionary device that integrated a phone, an iPod, and an internet communicator. The iPhone’s success wasn’t just due to its innovative technology, but because it resonated with a deeper, almost primal human desire for connectivity and simplicity. Job showed us how his higher mind had guided him to a paradigm shift in how we communicate and interact with technology.

Tapping into Universal Truths

The higher mind helps us connect to universal truths and enhances our understanding of life. It’s where our deepest insights, creativity, and sense of purpose come from. Engaging the higher mind helps us align our actions with our core values and broader goals. Think about a moment when you experienced a profound insight or intuition. How did it differ from your regular thought processes? Share your experiences.

To access the higher mind, we need practices that quiet the physical mind’s noise and open the door to higher consciousness. Here are some methods:

1. Meditation: Find a quiet place, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath for 15 minutes. Let go of any thoughts that arise and return your focus to your breath. 

2. Mindfulness: Practice being fully present in the moment. Whether you’re eating, walking, or working, pay full attention to what you’re doing.

3. Creative Visualization: Imagine a desired outcome in vivid detail. See, feel, and experience it as if it’s already happening.

Archetype of the Higher Mind

The higher mind serves as a good navigator, offering a bird’s-eye view of what’s going on. It is a great mentor when in coherence with one’s heart, providing long-term vision, good intuition, and great foresight informed by past experiences and intuition. It taps into both the mind’s intelligence and the heart’s intelligence, enhancing our risk tolerance and guiding us towards our highest potential.

Building a relationship with your higher mind involves using imagination as a conduit for communication, and integrating its insights into your daily life. This alignment enables you to make decisions that are in harmony with your true self, fostering a more fulfilling and purposeful life experience.


Omsira Barry and Ryion Pun

Ignite Your Brilliance

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